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Slovenia's Open Data Hub’s goal is to raise entrepreneurs’ awareness about OPSI portal and its possible uses, to  support regional & national governments to
produce & maintain quality datasets and to train entrepreneurs to use OD/LOD in order to produce new innovative products.

The Slovenian Hub  gathers actors and stakeholders interested in Data Economy in order to strengthen OPSI portal, supportw entrepreneurs to use & benefit from OD/LOD in order to strengthen economy and supportw local, regional and public administration
bodies to produce & share quality datasets

Services provided to the Hub members:

• Technical Seminars
• Regional workshops
• Pitching events
• Coaching
• Hackathon
• Online tools
• Local capacity building training seminars

Sector of Focus: Blue Growth, Green Growth

Geographical Scope: National


License Not Specified

Other Access

The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


via the DKAN API

Oprema šolskih knjižnic, Slovenija, večletni podatki do 2012

V tej zbirki so samodejno zajeti metapodatki, katerih vir je VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE in ustrezajo izvorni zbirki z naslovom Oprema šolskih knjižnic, Slovenija, večletni podatki do 2012.\n\nDejanski podatki so na voljo v formatu PC-Axis (.px). Med dodatnimi povezavami lahko dostopate do strani izvornega portala za vpogled in izbor podatkov, na voljo pa je tudi program PX-Win, ki si ga lahko brezplačno prenesete. Oba omogočata izbor podatkov za prikaz, spreminjanje oblike izpisa in shranjevanje v različne formate, poleg tega pa tudi pregledovanje in izpis tabel neomejene velikosti ter nekaj osnovnih statističnih analiz in grafičnih prikazov.

Data and Resources

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Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
License Not Specified
Public Access Level