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Slovenia's Open Data Hub’s goal is to raise entrepreneurs’ awareness about OPSI portal and its possible uses, to  support regional & national governments to
produce & maintain quality datasets and to train entrepreneurs to use OD/LOD in order to produce new innovative products.

The Slovenian Hub  gathers actors and stakeholders interested in Data Economy in order to strengthen OPSI portal, supportw entrepreneurs to use & benefit from OD/LOD in order to strengthen economy and supportw local, regional and public administration
bodies to produce & share quality datasets

Services provided to the Hub members:

• Technical Seminars
• Regional workshops
• Pitching events
• Coaching
• Hackathon
• Online tools
• Local capacity building training seminars

Sector of Focus: Blue Growth, Green Growth

Geographical Scope: National


License Not Specified

Other Access

The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


via the DKAN API

Struktura povprečnih mesečnih bruto plač [SKD 2008], Slovenija, mesečni podatki do oktobra 2015

V tej zbirki so samodejno zajeti metapodatki, katerih vir je VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE STATISTIČNI URAD REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE in ustrezajo izvorni zbirki z naslovom Struktura povprečnih mesečnih bruto plač [SKD 2008], Slovenija, mesečni podatki do oktobra 2015.\n\nDejanski podatki so na voljo v formatu PC-Axis (.px). Med dodatnimi povezavami lahko dostopate do strani izvornega portala za vpogled in izbor podatkov, na voljo pa je tudi program PX-Win, ki si ga lahko brezplačno prenesete. Oba omogočata izbor podatkov za prikaz, spreminjanje oblike izpisa in shranjevanje v različne formate, poleg tega pa tudi pregledovanje in izpis tabel neomejene velikosti ter nekaj osnovnih statističnih analiz in grafičnih prikazov.

Data and Resources

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Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
License Not Specified
Public Access Level